A selection of reviews. More to come!
‘A provocative docu from a provocative helmer on a provocative subject, "Fake Orgasm" has a message that might have been taken from an academic primer, but brings it to gripping life by virtue of its confrontational protag. An erotic performance artist and self-proclaimed "activist, actionist and situationist," Lazlo Pearlman is on a mission to change how people think and feel about themselves and their bodies.’ - Jonathan Holland, VARIETY
~~~Best Picture, ZonaZine Award, Festival de Malaga, Cinema Espagñol~~~
‘A provoking, poetic, original film. Destined to create polemic, and to bring you back to consciousness.’
- Marta Sader, EL MUNDO
‘A passionate film, striking from minute zero to the end, full of nihilism, purity and transgression.’
‘A Must See!’